About Class 2 Programm

At Udayan Group of Schools, CBSE Class 2 curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation for students’ academic and personal growth. It includes the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Hindi, Environmental Studies, General Knowledge, Arts and Craft, and Health and Physical Education. The curriculum aims to encourage students to explore their surroundings, build their vocabulary, and develop essential skills

  1. English: In Class 2, English curriculum focuses on building basic language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing. Students are introduced to more complex sentence structures, grammar rules, and pronunciation vocabulary compared to Class 1.

  2. Mathematics: The Mathematics curriculum for Class 2 builds upon the foundational concepts introduced in Class 1. Students learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers up to three digits. They also delve into topics like measurement, time, money, geometry, and basic fractions.

  3. Environmental Studies (EVS): The EVS curriculum covers a wide range of topics related to the environment, nature, community, and society. In Class 2, students learn about plants, animals, seasons, weather, habitats, and basic concepts of health and hygiene.

  4. Hindi: Hindi is often a compulsory subject in CBSE schools. In Class 2, students continue to develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills in Hindi. They learn more complex words, sentence structures, and basic grammar rules.

  5. Art and Craft: This subject aims to foster creativity and artistic skills among students. Activities may include drawing, coloring, painting, and crafting using various materials.

  6. Music and Dance: Music and dance are often part of the curriculum to encourage cultural appreciation and expression. Students may learn basic rhythms, songs, and dance steps.

  7. Physical Education: Physical education classes promote physical fitness, sportsmanship, and coordination among students. Activities may include exercises, games, skates, Taekwondo and basic sports skills.

  8. Computer Classes: Computer education and computer lab.

  9. Library:

  10. Personality development classes:

  11. Weekly assessment:

For Class 2 Admission related any information kindly visit our group schools or click here to fill admission enquiry form